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Speaking and Publishing

It's important to me to stay connected to my community and contribute in non therapeutic ways. My two areas of focus are providing mental health support and information through publishing and training.

Picture of Grace Bithell, LCSW


I regularly provide trainings and participate in public speaking arrangements throughout Utah. I've trained on subjects from employee burnout, to anxiety, to trauma, to parenting. If your workplace or organization is interested in a training, please reach out directly. While corporate trainings are generally paid, I provide these services free to clubs, schools, religious organizations, and non-profits as my schedule will allow. I would love to come speak to you.


I am a frequent contributor to Fostering Families Today. My articles have included 


De-escalation: Tips for Tough Moments, 2024

Touch After Trauma, 2024

Healing Trauma: Choices for Effective Therapy, 2023

Infertility and Fostering, 2023

Building Credit for Beginners, 2023

Family with Tablet
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